Blossom Seeds 福善

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Square Stepping Demo Session

It has been a cold, rainy morning, but our seniors were eager to start their Square Stepping demo session!

What is Square Stepping?

“The Square Stepping Exercise (SSE) is a low-cost indoor program to improve fitness of the lower extremities developed through the collaborative efforts of researchers in sports medicine, physiology and gerontology from several national universities. It is an exercise method based on solid scientific evidence and its applications include the improvement of mobility in the elderly, enhancement of physical fitness in children, conditioning for athletes and the prevention of lifestyle-related diseases.”

“Square Stepping Exercise comprises multiple directional step patterns performed on a thin mat which is partitioned into squares; 25 cm2 each and may include toe walking or complex pattern of walking as a progression. SSE can also be performed indoors so certainly appears to be advantageous over unidirectional and outdoor walking which is less beneficial pertaining to fall prevention and it is also unsafe for older adults (McClure et al., 2005).”

It was exciting witnessing the seniors going through the different levels of difficulty and enjoying this activity 😃

See this gallery in the original post