Onboarding Digital Platform

Covid-19 has changed the way we work. Where work and programmes used to be fully physical, all of our staff had to work from home and learnt to innovate on how to bring their programmes onboard the digital platform. Staff had to learn how to use Zoom, where this knowledge was then passed on to the volunteers and subsequently, the seniors.

As a result, we also started going paperless, and staff started utilizing the shared drive and doing work digitally. A multi-card system has also been implemented and updates are done via the card system.

All our staff are constantly upgraded in their mobile gadgets, apart from the card system, to be able to work independently from anywhere while working for the beneficiaries. 

We also enlisted SG Digital to support our volunteers and beneficiaries to get onto the digital platforms, where staff were sent for Microsoft Excel courses, as well as e-courses from NTUC Hub, SSI, AIC etc.

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