Blossom Tribute to Seniors 2019


Blossom Seeds held our 2nd Blossom Tribute to Seniors at SAFRA (Jurong) on Sunday 29 December 2019. The Charity Lunch seeks to raise funds for our programmes and Phase 2 renovation at our new centres at 105 Canberra Street #02-01/06 Singapore 750105.

Our Guest of Honour Mr Ong Ye Kung, Minister for Education and Adviser for Sembawang GRC (Gambas) came to sing 3 songs to raise funds for us, which were sponsored by Sheng Siong Group for $100,000.

The banquet hall was fully occupied with more than 1,000 people attending the event   Distinguished guests included Community partners, MCCY, Agency for Integrated Care (AIC), Grassroot leaders, Institutions, Associations, Corporate sponsors, Donors and Well-wishers.

The theme of the event is Social Cohesion among the Seniors and all present from various races and religions. The event was a culmination of Blossom Seeds’ efforts to support multi-racial seniors to blossom.  Stage performances included Seated Tai Chi for Health by multi-racial seniors from Blossom Seeds, who were either active or frail.  Seniors from BW Monastery and Assyafaah Mosque with an average age group of 70, put up amazing performances with their own rendition of songs and Happy Chair Yoga. 

Seniors from our centre and home-based programmes made more than 1000 door gifts for this event to express gratitude to partners, sponsors and volunteers. On display at the foyer were intricate craft works handmade by our seniors from paper quilling and decoupage skills that they acquired by Blossom Seeds as part of the active ageing activities.

The event reached a climax when Mr Ong Ye Kung sang three songs in English, Mandarin and Hokkien in appreciation of the seniors’ efforts and support from our donors and partners.  Active and frail seniors, including some on wheelchair made a bee line to present him with flowers at the stage while he was singing.

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The event ended with everyone on their feet, singing in unison “Friends”, a pledge to social cohesion regardless of race and religion.

Blossom Seeds is heartened to have raised over $300,000 to support the renovation and its programme operating costs and appreciated the presence of the Media Team from Channel News Asia (CNA), Channel 5 & 8 and Zaobao for the publicity of our Blossom Tribute event.

Mun Hoe Chan